Hypnobirthing courses that will get you excited about giving birth

Are you expecting a baby? Congratulations! And welcome to

Pea in the Pod Hypnobirthing!

Saturday 22nd June & Saturday 29th June

1pm – 5.30pm both days

Investment: £220

Free Hypnobirthing Taster Session


7.30pm – 8.30pm

Rochdale Pilates & Yoga Studio

I’m Ruth, and I’m on a mission to help pregnant women look forward to giving birth and have positive birth experiences.

I teach hypnobirthing in Rochdale, Oldham, Todmorden, Hebden Bridge, Riponden and the surrounding areas.

I offer group and 1:1 courses which help pregnant women and their birth partners feel confident and prepared for the birth of their baby. I also offer Pregnancy Yoga & Relaxation Classes.

How do you feel about giving birth?

Does any of this sound familiar…

You know plenty of women before you have managed it, but the more you think about it, the less it makes sense! How on earth does the baby get out of there?

You’re thinking of how you reacted last time you stubbed your toe or trod on that plug that someone left lying around and wondering if you’ve got too low a pain threshold to cope with labour?

Or maybe you’ve given birth before, and quite frankly, you didn’t like it! You’ve heard people tell their positive birth stories and you’d like one of your own. You want to stay in control of what’s happening to you and your baby, and feel safe and calm this time.

Your fears are completely normal. But you don’t have to go on feeling this way…

Imagine having the confidence in your body to know that you can absolutely do this; a confidence that comes with a proper understanding of what your body actually does and how it will feel?

Imagine having tools and techniques at your fingertips to help you to not just cope with, but totally boss those contractions.

Imagine being knowledgeable about the maternity system, so that you can make decisions during your pregnancy and labour that feel right for you and your baby, and look back on your birth knowing that you were in control, and have no regrets or niggling doubts about why things happened the way they did.

Imagine feeling like labour is not something you have to ‘get through,’ but something you can take charge of and feel flippin’ awesome about!

Now imagine having a birth partner who is knowledgeable about birth, equipped with with strategies to help you, and confident about what their job is.

I’d like to help you make that a reality.

If you want to ditch the fear and feel confident and even excited about your birth, then have a look around my website, find out what courses I offer and get in touch if you’d like to know more. Why not start by reading more about what hypnobirthing actually is on my FAQs page. You might be surprised!…

Ways to work with me…

Group Hypnobirthing Course

An 8 hour course coving everything you need to prepare for a positive birth.

Spread over two weekends, or four evenings.

A really fun, social, and great value way to get ready for the birth of you baby! You and your birth partner will emerge feeling confident, prepared and excited about the birth of your baby! And you’ll meet some nice people along the way!

Private Hypnobirthing Course

If you don’t fancy joining a group, or the times don’t suit you, my private hypnobirthing course is for you.

This is my full hypnobirthing course, personalised with your circumstances, hopes and priorities in mind, and delivered to you at home, at times that suit you.

Calm Caesarean Course

If you have decided to have a planned caesarean birth, this course will guide you through the emotional, physical, and practical considerations, helping you feel positive, calm, and prepared. You’ll learn about the many options available to you and will be given resources to help you make your caesarean birth plan.

Pregnancy Yoga & Relaxation

A weekly yoga class designed specifically for pregnancy.

Deep relaxation every week.

This class is a perfect way to complement your hypnobirthing course as it builds in hypnobirthing practices. It also works as a class by itself.

What do people say about hypnobirthing?

“After my hypnobirthing course I was actually looking forward to giving birth! It completely changed how I felt about it…On the day, the tools I’d learned helped me to feel calm and in control during labour.” – mother

“The thing about Hypnobirthing is that it works” – father

“I have been present at Hypnobirthing births and seen how in control the women are, and how also the partners are a lot calmer and able to help, and what a difference it really does make to the start of parenthood for them” – midwife

Why choose Pea in the Pod Hypnobirthing?

  • Non-judgemental: I provide the information, you decide what’s right for you. I won’t try and persuade you to do anything other than listen to yourself.
  • Credible: I have trained to be hypnobirthing teacher with Katherine Graves Hypnobirthing, which is approved by the Royal College of Midwives. I have also enhanced my skills and knowledge by training with Love Your Birth, which is accredited by FEDANT (Federation of Antenatal Educators).
  • Supportive: I don’t just deliver the course and say goodbye! If you have questions afterwards, I am here for you throughout your pregnancy (and eagerly await baby pics and birth stories afterwards!)
  • Research informed: I am a self-confessed birth nerd; I read and read! The information I give is based on research, not personal experience or hearsay.
  • Social: I know first hand how valuable it is to share the ups and downs of parenthood with others going through the same thing at a similar time. Group courses are a great way to meet your parenting tribe.
  • Passionate about your right to a positive birth: I truly believe that your birth can be an awesome experience and one that can shape you as a parent. Start your parenting journey as you mean to go on, feeling confident, powerful and amazing!

Read my blog for more info on topics like:

What’s a positive birth and why do I need a course to get one?

Pea in the Pod Hypnobirthing

Contact me:

Head to the contact page and send me a message.

Or, follow my Facebook page or Instagram for birth tips and updates on courses.